
Hmmm.....my weight is on the rise again....I think I need those Greek leftovers back!! They were the secret to weight loss! :)

Breakfast this morning was an egg beater omelet with spinach, onions and zucchini. On the side was sliced tomatoes and a piece of wheat toast:

I went to both Cardio Muscle and Zumba classes. This breakfast held me over really well! Go eggs!! Afterwards, I made a quick stop at the grocery store to load up on veggies for the weekend and to buy some cold sore meds. Ugh....I get those every now and then. Boo!

When I got home I was ready for lunch. I threw some lettuce, cucumbers, red onions, mushrooms and tomatoes on a plate and topped it with the rest of the tuna salad I made yesterday. Everything got a healthy drizzle of balsamic vinegar:

Now it's tons of laundry time! We are taking the kiddos to the club tonight for dinner tonight with some friends. Hopefully I can avoid the desserts, free appetizers and whatever else may cross my path. :)

Any exciting plans for the weekend? We have an engagement party on Sunday but that's about it!


  1. We have dinner with our good friends tomorrow night, and that's about it. I need it after the last couple of weeks of travel and having mom here.
    Cheers to Friday evening!

  2. Hey girly! Just found your blog and I am absolutely loving it! I am back on Weight Watchers to try to lose the last few pounds as well. You have a new follower!


  3. Hi Erica! Thanks for visiting my blog!! Good luck with the Weight Watchers! It really is the best program!


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