144.8…Chinese Stir-Fry

Last night, there was a constant smile on my face. Why? Because it was our semi-monthly “hot wing” night with our friends.

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Gotta have the matching glasses to make it extra special. My friend Alicia whipped up another fabulous batch of our favorite hot wings. I brought over a salad (which we like to refer to as “filler”.)

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I always start out with 4 wings (for whatever reason), then make my way up from there.  I ended up with 14 wings…not too shabby but not the 16 that I ate last time. Look at our carnage (please ignore the children’s toys in the background):

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That wasn’t all me people. There were 4 of us. :) I was a very happy camper.

This morning’s breakfast might not have been as exciting as 14 hot wings but it was delicious nonetheless.

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Egg sandwich (toasted English muffin, egg beaters, slice of cheese) and a grapefruit. I dipped each bite of the sandwich in ketchup. My healthier version of a McDonald’s egg mcmuffin.

I took the kids to school, then headed over to Starbucks to get some work done. I enjoyed a green tea while I was there.

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Then it was time for a cooking class at Great News! Today’s class was entitled “Chinese New Year Stir-Fry” and was taught by my favorite instructor, Phillis Carey. We love Chinese food at my house so I was really looking forward to getting some new recipes.

The first recipe was Shrimp in Black Bean Garlic Sauce:

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Loved this! The sauce was excellent!

The second recipe  was Velvet Ginger Chicken with Orange Sesame Noodles:

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Another winner. I would make this at home for sure but I would add a bunch of veggies to it.

Next up was Mu Shu Pork:

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I really enjoyed this. Phillis used uncooked tortillas instead of the pancakes that would be used. She just heated the tortillas up quickly in a skillet. Brilliant!

The next recipe was Moo Goo Gai Pan (Chicken with Mushrooms):

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I really loved this one too! It was super simple to make…I will have to make this for my husband.

The last recipe was Curried Beef and Tomatoes:

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I was most excited about this one and liked it the least. Don’t get me wrong, it was still good but the others were better. Phillis mentioned that you could add some soy sauce to it and I actually think that may bring up the taste to where it needs to be.

After class I ran some errands and picked up the kids from school. I was going to go over to Lisa’s house to do Slim in 6 by myself but I’m going to skip it tonight. I feel like I may be getting a cold and I have a ton of stuff to do tonight so I’m going to pass. I feel guilty not working out but it’s just not going to happen today.

I will be doing something tonight I haven’t done in awhile: cook a new recipe for dinner!

Do you feel guilty when you skip a workout?

What is your favorite Chinese dish? 


  1. I'm still jealous about your awesome looking cooking classes. So cool you get to attend.

    When I'm into a regular workout schedule, and going regularly, missing a day does stress me out. But if I only go occasionally, it's no big deal. Guess that shows routine is good!

  2. I'm sick and I've been working out the last two weeks but probably shouldn't have. I think my cold is taking longer to go away. I don't feel guilty so much as heavy!!!

  3. I'm looking for a recipe that I can cook later, because my brother is visiting to my house later with his family. That's why I decided to look on the internet to find the best one. I think this one is perfect to serve to them. I will definitely create this one.

    Beef Stir Fry


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