144.8…Urban Plates

Ask and you shall receive. Last night I mentioned that I was going to a friend’s house for dinner and was hoping that she’d serve a ton of vegetables since I’m on a roll with my healthy eating plan. Well….she did! Success!

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My husband and I arrived at our friend’s house for dinner last night. We were immediately greeted with champagne and appetizers. There was a great veggie platter with ranch dip and some crackers spread with goat cheese and sundried tomatoes. I had a few crackers but mostly focused on the veggies.

We sat down to dinner and enjoyed a delicious salad:

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Our meal was breaded chicken breast and tons of veggies! Hooray!

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The chicken was perfectly prepared and the breading was nice and crunchy.

Dessert was not a vegetable but delicious nonetheless.

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Cheesecake. I resisted a second slice of cheesecake….it was hard though!

I went to bed feeling really happy with my choices for the day. It’s a much better feeling that to feel like crap and wish you hadn’t eaten whatever it was that you ate.

This morning started on the right foot with breakfast:

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Special K Fruit & Yogurt cereal with almond milk and a grapefruit.

I took my son to school, then my daughter to the dentist. After her appointment, I brought her back to school and then went on a walk around the neighborhood. For lunch, I stopped at a new restaurant nearby called Urban Plates. I had heard great things about it and was excited to try it.

Their motto is “Farm to plate and won’t break the bank.” They have an open kitchen and you can watch everything being made. You simply order and they prepare your meal in front of you using natural or organic ingredients whenever possible.

I ordered the Grilled Wild Ono Nicoise Salad:

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It came with  a lettuce blend, grilled wild ono, organic hard boiled cage-free egg, organic tomatoes, potatoes, green beans, capers, marinated olives, white balsamic mustard vinaigrette and the most amazing grilled foccacia bread ever!

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I wasn’t going to eat the bread but one bite in, I knew I was in trouble. Everything was outstanding. If you are ever in the Del Mar area, go check out Urban Plates! I know I’ll be  back!

Did you get at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies in yesterday?

What are your tricks for incorporating more fruits and veggies into your life?


  1. Hmm...I'm going to say I probably didn't. But I'm working on it! Urban Plates sounds awesome! In Birmgham where I spend a lot of my time watching my Aunt's kids they have a place called Urban Cookhouse and it's the same idea as Urban Plates and is amazing! Now I'm waiting for one in Orlando so I can enjoy local seasonal food at home, too!


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