
I am beyond shocked that I didn’t put on any weight after my indulgent trip to Atlanta this past weekend. Maybe I can claim portion control? I mean, I didn’t finish EVERYTHING. :)

Last night we stopped at Garcia’s Mexican restaurant for dinner on the way home from John Wayne airport. I had some chips and salsa and a bowl of chicken tortilla soup.

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The bowl was HUGE. I ate about half and called it quits. I think I was still full from my lunch!

When I woke up this morning, I was ready to get back to business! I started my day right with breakfast:

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Fage strawberry yogurt with, what else….strawberries!

I took the kids to school and went right to spin class. Felt good to get a good workout in. A good workout deserves another right? After spin I went to my friend Lisa’s house. We are starting the Slim in 6 program!

We do the first DVD entitled “Start it Up” for the first week. It’s 25 minutes long and basically an introduction to the moves we will be seeing the rest of the videos. It wasn’t hard but my heart rate did go up during the lunge series. I’ll try and keep up my other gym classes for the first few weeks unless it gets too hard. The first video wasn’t challenging so we’ll see how this goes.

After our workout, we went to Subway for lunch. I had my standard turkey sandwich on wheat:

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After that it was a ton of errands. I grabbed a green tea at Starbucks and picked up the kids from school.

Afternoon snack:

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Tonight we are going to a friend’s house for dinner. Hopefully she’ll serve tons of vegetables. I’m on a roll! :)

Have you ever done any of the Slim in 6 videos?


  1. I think the slim in six is working! I feel it in my quads and glutes this AM!

  2. I was thinking about doing Slim in 6 or the Yoga Booty Ballet. My sister likes Turbo Fire. You'll have to tell us how you like it.

  3. Will be curious to hear about slim in 6? I am not familiar with it. I have been hitting my gym classes and running/fast walking the dog everyday. hope to see some scale improvement soon! great job on not gaining weight, something is working!


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