145.8…Enchilada Casserole

News Flash: I made a new recipe for dinner last night. Yes, it’s true. And it felt good to get back into the kitchen.

I made a recipe for Enchilada Casserole found in the January/February 2012 issue for Cooking Light.

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I really enjoyed it. The portions were large and satisfying.

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Enchilada Casserole (Serves 4)

Slightly adapted from Cooking Light

1 lb ground sirloin

1 cup chopped onion

1 Tbsp butter

1 Tbsp minced garlic

1 1/2 Tbsp all-purpose flour

1 cup beef broth

1 Tbsp taco seasoning mix

1 (8oz.) can tomato sauce

4 (8-inch) flour tortillas

1/3 cup shredded pepper jack cheese

1. Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add beef and onion to pan; cook 6 minutes, stirring to crumble.

2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

3. Melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Add garlic; sauté 1 minute. Sprinkle with flour, cook 30 seconds, stirring constantly. Add broth, taco seasoning, and tomato sauce to pan. Bring to a boil; cook 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add 1 1/2 cups tomato mixture to beef mixture; reserve 1/2 cup tomato mixture.

4. Place 1 tortilla in a 9-inch pie plate. Top with 1 cup beef mixture. Repeat layers, ending with tortilla. Spread reserved tomato mixture over tortilla. Top with cheese. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes or until cheese melts. Cool slightly. Cut into 4 wedges.

Printable Recipe

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Check out those layers! Each wedge is about 380 calories. Nice! I also made the Spicy Black Beans that came with the recipe:

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For the Spicy Black Beans: Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add 2 tsp canola oil to pan; swirl to coat. Add 1 cup chopped red bell pepper and 1 minced jalapeno pepper; sauté 4 minutes. Add 2 Tbsp fresh lime juice, 1/4 tsp salt, and 1 (15 oz.) can rinsed and drained black beans. Cook 3 minutes or until thoroughly heated. Sprinkle with 1 Tbsp chopped fresh cilantro.

I also enjoyed a glass of wine with dinner.

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It was a great night. :)

Breakfast this morning included a new find:

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Dulce de Leche Cheerios! Have you tried these?

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I ate some with almond milk and had a bowl of berries to go with it. The Cheerios are great! Love the caramel flavor. Have you heard that Cheerios just came out with peanut butter flavor!?! I NEED THOSE.

I took my son to school and my daughter back to the dentist (finishing her cavity filling-ugh). I stopped at Starbucks for a skinny vanilla latte along the way.

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I took her back to school and went to Lisa’s house for our Slim in 6 video workout. My triceps are still hurting from Monday’s workout! Now there are four of us doing the videos: me, Lisa, Annette and Lauren. It is SO much more fun working out with friends!

After our workout, we went to Subway (again) for lunch. Earlier in the week I made the discovery about the roasted chicken breast. Today I made a new discovery.

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Subway has BUFFALO HOT SAUCE. Get outta here. When I saw the bottle of it behind the counter, I almost fell into a pool of happiness. I didn’t have them put a ton of it on my sandwich just in case I didn’t like it. Let’s get real…that was not going to happen. Let’s just say that next time I’m going to have them load me up with it! I have a feeling I’m going to be back at Subway again this week. Oh, my poor readers!

Favorite flavor of Cheerios?

Have you tried the peanut butter Cheerios?


  1. What?? Buffalo sauce at Subway? I didn't know that either!

    I am still trying to find the Tabasco buffalo sauce - still no luck in my neck of the woods!

  2. These tasty foods are a must try. You need to be careful on your teeth though.


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