145.2…I’m On A Plane

I’m currently on a plane headed to Atlanta for my niece’s Bat Mitzvah. Don’t you just love technology!?!

This morning I almost didn’t get a photo of breakfast. I was rushing around packing while eating and almost forgot.

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Toasted English muffin with Teddie peanut butter and strawberries.

Then we headed towards John Wanye Airport. We stopped at Coco’s for an early lunch.

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Tuna salad sandwich and fries…one of my favorite food combinations. When I’m laying by a pool, this is my favorite thing to eat. Random, I know.

See you from Atlanta!

Have you ever used the Wi-Fi on board an airplane? 


  1. Have fun in Atlanta! I use WIFI when I fly for work a lot, but sometimes I just want to sit back and read.

  2. I haven't used wifi on an airplane but I love watching movies on my laptop...it really passes the time! Have fun and travel safe:)

  3. Have fun!! I don't fly very often, so I am not sure about the wifi. :D


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