
I have good news. I used all my super powers and avoided both the bread basket AND the wine list last night at Il Fornaio. Great success!

I started with a cup of their Minestrone. Seemed appropriate on a cold night. Good way to get my veggies in too!

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For my entree I ordered the Petto di Pollo al Peperoncino: Grilled free-range chicken breast marinated with sage, rosemary, thyme, crushed red pepper, white wine, Dijon mustard and lemon; served with spicy peperoncino sauce, sautéed organic spinach and roasted Yukon Gold potatoes.

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It was delicious! I enjoyed every bite!

I have something to confess: I’m a bad food blogger. I ate the same breakfast as yesterday.

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It’s not that I’m not creative, it’s just that it really hit the spot! Toasted whole wheat bread with Teddie peanut butter and a grapefruit.

The kids went back to school today. Ugh, I don’t like the morning rush and having to wake up early. Boo. But I did get to go to my spin class after dropping them off so that worked out well.

I ran a bunch of errands and came home for lunch. The bad blogger business continues. Same lunch as the last two days.

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Turkey sandwich, Creamy Cole Slaw and Mexican Bean Salad. I ate the last of the Cole Slaw so you wont’ be seeing it again for awhile.

I picked up the kids from school and came home starving.

January 2012 007

Wheat Thins and cheese slices=happiness.

With all this healthy eating under my belt, it looks like I’m on a roll right!?! Well, pardon the interruption but tonight we are going to dinner at The Hamburger Factory with friends. They have awesome burgers and hot wings. We have had this dinner planned for awhile so there is no escaping it….not that I want to, of course. :)

What if your favorite afternoon snack?

Do you repeat meals often?


  1. I would be a terrible food blogger, too - same breakfast, lunch and snacks almost every day. I go through phases for weeks at a time like that. My husband thinks I'm crazy, but my response is why mess with a good thing?

  2. Wow, skipping on the bread AND wine? I am impressed! Good choice for dinner! Enjoy your wings tonight - you know you want them. :D

  3. I am guilty also. I eat the same few things for breakfast...usually a rice cake with peanut butter and an apple and I always eat saladworks on wednesdays

  4. i eat cereal tue-fri at work w/a granola bar a few hrs later. half can of soup w/a turkey sandwich for lunch. snacks are yogurt, string cheese and some kinda fruit. mondays i eat whatever i want which usually includes a biscuit and some chips n salsa. i've found i can't eat healthy if i switch it up too much. boring food tastes good when you're hungry

  5. @sherrie d
    "boring food tastes good when you are hungry." LOVE THIS.


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