144.0…A Chicken Discovery

After my eating shenanigans this past weekend, I wasn’t super hungry at dinner time. My son wanted a grilled cheese for dinner and I decided that sounded good so I had one too.

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This morning it was back to business as usual for breakfast. Fage mango yogurt with blackberries and strawberries.

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My husband took the kiddos to school. I got ready and went to Cardio Muscle class. Then it was time to meet at Lisa’s house for Slim in 6. We moved on to video number 2: “Ramp it Up.”  It was about 45 minutes and incorporated the moves in video number one plus others. I will definitely be sore tomorrow. It wasn’t hard per se just the basics: lunges, squats, abs and arms.

Afterwards we went to Subway for lunch. My friend Lauren was ordering the roasted chicken breast sandwich and highly recommended it. I decided to give it a try. I always thought that the chicken looked weird from behind the counter. Lauren recommended getting it toasted so that’s exactly what I did.

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So glad I tried it! It was delicious and much more substantial than the turkey. When I eat the turkey, I can barely taste that it’s there but the chicken was different. And I feel like it kept me fuller longer….all for just 40 more calories than the turkey. A chicken win!

After lunch, I went grocery shopping. I picked up the kids and had a snack:

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Apple and light Babybel cheese.

Tonight is hot wing night at Alicia’s. Not exactly diet friendly but I’ll just count it as my cheat meal for the week. :)

Have you ever had the roasted chicken sandwich at Subway?


  1. Yeah, I think that the Slim in 6 vids may kick our butts!! Love it, so far!
    As for the chicken at Subway, I have yet to taste it, but will try it soon!

  2. I had it before becoming a vegetarian and agree with you completely! Way more substantial!

  3. I have had the Chix Sandwich at Subway though it's been a while. I think they have some new Chicken melt thingy coming out.


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