144.2…Three For Three

The last three meals I’ve eaten have all been healthy. I’m on a roll!

I discovered this Lemon Dill & Capers Sauce in my pantry and thought I’d put it to go use with my dinner last night.

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Tilapia with the sauce, brown rice and steamed spinach:

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Excellent! My husband doesn’t like fish so I rarely make it at home. I really enjoyed it last night. Will have to remember this when he works late.

For breakfast I made an omelet using egg beaters, sautéed onions and a little cheese. I also had a grapefruit.

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I took the kids to school, ran to the grocery store and went to Zumba. I’ve worked out 4 days in a row!  I’m on another roll!! :)

After my workout, I helped out at the preschool. Then I attended my daughter’s 5th birthday party in her class. Today is her birthday!!!! I cannot believe she is FIVE!!!

We came home and I threw together a quick lunch.

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Under all that lettuce is the rest of the brown rice from last night, some vegetarian refried beans, salsa, onions and avocado. It was a nice little “salad.”

We picked up my son and then came home. Tonight we are going over to my sister in law’s house. It’s her birthday too! We are going to have quite the party with the two birthday girls!

How are you doing with your New Year’s Resolutions?

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  1. Great job! It's been hard for me to stick with healthy eating because I was so bad with the holidays.

  2. Good job on sticking to your goals so far! I have been pretty good with eating healthier, but there have been a few slip ups. I go back to work Monday, so it will be easier when I am back to my normal schedule.

  3. I actually just discovered capers by themselves yesterday. They are good on their own so I bet that sauce was delish! I've been working out a lot and eating much better myself. So far so good.


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