143.8…Restaurant-Style Buffalo Chicken Wings

Yesterday was a great success in the kitchen. You know when you make a meal so good that you can’t stop smiling? Last night was one of those nights. I always consider a meal a success if my guests walk out of my house happy and uncomfortably full.

Before I made this epic meal, I had a snack of grapes and extra sharp cheddar cheese.

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My friend Alicia recently bought me a bottle of wonderful sauce: Frank’s Red Hot Wings Sauce.

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We both have an immense love for hot wings. Last year our club would have Monday Night Football nights and they would serve these amazing hot wings. Well, they aren’t doing it this year so we decided that we should take it upon ourselves to rectify this problem and make them ourselves. 

Since my blog has had a recent spicy food theme, I thought this would be extremely appropriate! I had never made them before so last night was an experiment!

I coated the wings in a mixture of flour, paprika, cayenne pepper and salt and put them in the refrigerator for about 90 minutes.

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Then it was time to fry! Heat up your oil to 375 degrees.

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In go the wings for 10 to 15 minutes or until they start to brown.

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I placed the wings on a rack so they’d drain off some excess oil.

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Meanwhile, heat up the Frank’s sauce with butter, garlic powder and black pepper. Put the wings in a bowl and add the sauce mixture.

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That is one messy bowl of wings!!!

How did they turn out? FABULOUS. Here’s proof: I got a little carried away and bought 46 wings. I was only serving 4 people…plus we had chili and salad. Do you know how many wings I had left at the end of the night.


Restaurant-Style Buffalo Chicken Wings

Printable Recipe

1/2 cup all-purpose flour

1/4 tsp paprika

1/4 tsp cayenne pepper

1/4 tsp salt

10 chicken wings

oil for deep frying

1/4 cup butter

1/4 cup Frank’s Red Hot Wings Sauce

1 dash ground black pepper

1 dash garlic powder

1. In a small bowl mix together the flour, paprika, cayenne pepper and salt. Place chicken wings in a large bowl and sprinkle flour mixture over them until they are evenly coated. Cover bowl and refrigerate for 60 to 90 minutes.

2. Heat oil in a deep fryer or pot to 375 degrees. The oil should be just enough to cover wings entirely, an inch or so deep. Combine the butter, Frank’s Hot Wings Sauce, pepper and garlic powder in a small saucepan over low heat. Stir together and heat until butter is melted and mixture is well blended. Remove from heat and reserve for serving.

3. Fry coated wings in hot oil for 10 to 15 minutes, or until wings brown. Remove from heat, place wings in serving bowl, add hot sauce mixture and stir together. Serve.

Notes: Since I made 46 wings and this recipe makes 10, I quadrupled the wing sauce and flour mixture and fried them in batches. I didn’t use all the flour but next time I will probably use more because I felt the wings could have been a little more crunchy. After all the wings were finished frying, I put them in the oven (that I had heated to 350 degrees and turned off) to make sure they were all warm, since some had been sitting waiting for the others to fry.

As I mentioned above, I also made my favorite easy Chili complete with red onions, shredded cheddar cheese and sour cream for toppings.

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My plate:

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Alicia brought over a delicious salad complete with my current favorite salad dressing: El Torito’s Cilantro Pepita Caesar. In this photo there are 4 hot wings. I went back for seconds and thirds for a total of at least 12 wings, but who’s counting.  I was in hot wing heaven.

This morning’s breakfast was a toasted English muffin with Teddie peanut butter and a bowl of strawberries and raspberries.

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I took the kids to school and went to spin class. Then I came home to pay bills and have lunch.

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More chili and a bag salad using more of that El Torito dressing. :)

Tonight I’m going to Bunco! Yippee!

Here’s your last chance to enter my Eggland’s Best Giveaway. Contest ends tonight at 5PM PST. Good luck!

Have you ever made hot wings at home?

What is one restaurant-style dish you’d like to make at home?


  1. Looking forward to trying your wing recipe. Thanks for sharing - I have not made them before either.
    Dawn BT

  2. I think my husband would love me forever if I made these hot wings.

  3. I love making wings at home - I probably make them every other Sunday for the hubs - although he likes the parmesan wing sauce from Buffalo Wild Wings. He can't handle the heat - you and I should be neighbors so we can eat hot shit together! :D

  4. I tried this the other day and my kids absolutely loved it, thanks.

  5. I think it'll be a good idea to try the recipe. You really did a great job on that.
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