140.0…The hot wings fired back.

But they were SO good!!! I’ll take the sodium explosion/fat volcano/etc any day for those tasty little suckers.

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Inside of having my usual $2 tacos, I order the ahi sashimi:

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Glad I did….it was delicious! I had a couple of glasses of red wine as well….guess they escaped the camera! I came home way too full and went to bed.

Breakfast this morning was a waffle with almond butter and the last of my tasteless cantaloupe:

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After taking the kids to school, I went to spin class. Afterwards it was off to Henry’s (more Barney Butter!!) and Trader Joe’s. I grabbed a turkey and avocado sandwich on squaw bread from a little sandwich place near Trader Joe’s:

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I love squaw bread! Why is it so hard to find?

After the groceries were put away, it was off to pick up the kids. I had my favorite snack when I got home:

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Bell peppers and hummus!

Tonight is Bunco night so I need to hop in the shower. More food and wine! ;)

What’s your favorite type of bread for a sandwich? 

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  1. Yummy - red bell peppers taste SO good in hummus!

    I like wheat bread but ALWAYS prefer a wrap!

  2. Hmmm...I love a honey wheat, but usually have been opting for wraps lately.

    What is squaw bread?


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