139.8…Thanksgiving Prep

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!!!

Breakfast was egg whites, swiss cheese,  and salsa all wrapped up in a wheat tortilla:

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I took my son to school (my daughter didn’t have school) and went to Zumba.  I came home to change and start getting things organized for Thanksgiving tomorrow.

After a bit, I broke for lunch. I heated up the rest of the spaghetti and meatballs from last night’s dinner:

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My husband picked up my son from school and came home to pick up my daughter to take them to Palm Springs for the night. They went to visit some friends and to give mommy some “time off” so she could cook. :)

I immediately broke out the ice cream maker for some homemade vanilla ice cream:

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All ingredients went in and whirled around for about 30 minutes before I put it in the freezer. That reminds me…I need to go taste that ice cream!

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I got some more stuff ready including the turkey. I washed it and put it in a brining bag that I bought from Williams Sonoma:

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Before I go to bed tonight, I’ll put the brine in.

As the sun was going down, I broke out some wine. I mean….I’m all alone tonight…I should celebrate right? Check out my already set Thanksgiving table:

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Then this happened:

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Gift wrapping!! I got all my to-do’s done early, so I wrapped the gifts I had already bought. Nice!

Next up: dinner. I made some Trader Joe’s White Cheddar Shells and added Italian diced tomatoes, cooked peas and a can of tuna:

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I got the idea from Sweet Tooth Sweet Life and it’s pretty good! Of course I added hot sauce because that’s how I roll. :)

Ok folks, I gotta get the kitchen cleaned up and the brine on the turkey and go to bed!

What dish do you most look forward to on Thanksgiving?
