
The hot wings have returneth to my life.

We had a great time watching Monday night football with our friends at our club last night. We brought a bottle of vino to share:

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And the moment I had been waiting for …

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Their hot wings are so amazing. I wonder how many I could actually eat? Too scary to think about.

I also ordered two chicken soft tacos:

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Can we do it again next Monday???

For breakfast this morning I had an English muffin with regular peanut butter and some cantaloupe:

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After taking the kids to school I went to spin class. Afterwards I started tackling the giant pile of stuff to do on my desk.

Lunchtime rolled around so I reheated the last of Hungrygirl’s Baked Ziti:

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I cooked up some onions, mushrooms and spinach and put it on the bottom of the bowl before I added the ziti. Delicious!!

Before I knew it, it was time to pick up the kiddos. I came home and made a snack of carrots and hummus:

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I have a few final things to accomplish before I start making dinner. Enjoy your evening!

Have you ever tried any of Hungrygirl’s recipes?

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  1. I've tried a few of her recipes - most I have to tweak a bit because they're too low in calories for me. :(

    I love wings, too!


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