139.0…Are you ready for some HOT WINGS??

After all those cookies last night, I thought what would be better than some more decadence??

I used the pesto I made on Saturday to whip up a fabulous pasta dinner!

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I sautéed some chicken and garlic and then threw the pesto in the pan with a little chicken broth and heavy cream. It was so decadent!

This morning I had Fage yogurt with Fiber One cereal and strawberries:

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Hubby took the kids to school today so I had the morning to myself before hitting the gym. I went to both Cardio Muscle and Zumba classes. I normally eat eggs before going to both classes but I didn’t today and could totally tell the difference. I was hungry a lot faster and felt more tired. Note to self: eggs are really the bomb.

After both classes, I came home and made lunch as fast as possible:

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Turkey & swiss cheese sandwich on a bagel thin with mustard, spinach leaves, cucumber and tomato slices. I also had some Trader Joe’s split pea soup too.

I was extremely productive on the computer today and got a whole bunch of Christmas and Hanukkah gifts ordered.

I picked up the kids and came home for a snack:

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This is my current favorite snack: veggies and hummus.

So….it’s Monday night. Monday night football and hot wing night at our club. I am salivating just thinking about it. Good thing I went to both classes this morning!

What’s your go-to breakfast when you really want to stay full? I know many of you will say oatmeal. Ugh, I cannot stand the stuff. :(
