
Happy Cyber Monday! Did anyone take advantage of the shopping deals? I took a look around and really didn’t see anything that I wanted….well, except for one Athleta order. :)

Dinner last night was more of the wonderful Turkey Chili:

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And equally fabulous cornbread:

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This morning I had a light wheat English muffin with Barney Butter and a side of strawberries:

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Hubby took the kids to school this morning on his way to work so I got some work done. I went to Cardio Muscle class and came home for lunch. I had my first leftover Thanksgiving turkey sandwich:

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I also had a little leftover pea soup and some of the creamed corn from Thanksgiving.

I picked up my daughter from school, came home for a bit and decided to have another turkey sandwich:

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I can’t believe how good that turkey is! Maybe another sandwich tomorrow?

I picked up my son from school and came home to bake cookies:

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My favorite chocolate chip cookies. I’m also whipping up a batch of chocolate ice cream. My son loves chocolate ice cream and has been asking for it since I made the vanilla ice cream for Thanksgiving. I had just enough whipping cream and whole milk left. We’ll see how it turns out. :)

Hubby and I are having a little date night tonight for dinner. :)

Did you participate in Cyber Monday? Any good scores?

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  1. The turkey chili looks delish! especially with the onions on top! I hope you have a great date with hubby, I was at work all day so no cyber shopping for me today but I will be checking out the deals before bedtime lol!

  2. ooh Love all of the recipe links (of course!) - I've never made turkey chili. Yum!

    I didn't particpate so no scores to tell you guys about!

  3. No cyber shopping for me, I was stuck at work all day.

    Hope you have a great date night!


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