
Awhile back I made a recipe from Kraft: Taco Salad Made Over. I had some leftover taco meat so I froze it. I decided to pull it out of the freezer last night and recreate the delicious dinner:

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I topped our salad with chopped tomato, shredded lettuce, shredded cheddar, chopped onions and cilantro. Fabulous!! 

A little while later I had some Special K granola with almond milk:

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Breakfast this morning was a low fat, whole wheat waffle with almond butter and a side of strawberries:

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I took the kids to school, ran to the grocery store and then went to Zumba. After I got cleaned up, it was lunch time!

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Turkey & swiss sandwich on a sandwich thin with lettuce, cucumber and mustard. I had some orange pepper and cucumber dipped in hummus as well. Great lunch!

Next it was off to Target, then to pick up the kids from school. After I un-loaded all my goods, I make a snack:

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Progresso Light soup – hit the spot on this cold afternoon.

Hubby and I are going out to dinner with some friends in downtown San Diego tonight. I’m excited!

What’s your favorite soup? I’m a big fan of lobster bisque and pea soup. :)


  1. I heart a good navy bean soup or butternut squash soup.


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