
Hmmm…..I’m not sure how I feel about this time change. My son was up at 5:30Am and now it’s 7PM and it feels like midnight. We’ll see…

Breakfast this morning was a repeat from yesterday: egg beater burrito on a wheat tortilla with a Laughing Cow Chipotle cheese wedge and the rest of the pico de gallo:

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After breakfast it was time to shower and get everyone ready to go to my niece’s birthday party. I ate some carrots and hummus and a mini cupcake at the party.

My family came back to my house after the party. I busted out the bean dip I made yesterday:

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It was really good. Very fresh flavors and they all blended together well. Hubby wasn’t a fan….it was too “complex” for him. :)

The wine was brought out….

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And the lasagna was finished….

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The lasagna was a hit! I used this recipe except that I didn’t put in ground beef or the sausage.

I heated up the marinara I made on Friday and made some spaghetti. I made some garlic bread and a Caesar salad as well.

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My plate:

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I’m stuffed.

What was the best thing you ate all weekend?

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