138.8…yesterday; Crazy Tailgate Time!

What a game last night! USC vs Notre Dame. Too bad USC lost and I got drenched watching them loose. Oh well….there’s always next year!

Friday night I made chili using the leftover Thanksgiving turkey:

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The chili was awesome!! I topped it with sour cream and red onions. Here’s the recipe:

Turkey Chili

2 cups chopped onion

4 garlic cloves, chopped fine

1 cup chopped bell peppers (I used red and orange because that’s what I had)

1/4 cup olive oil

2 (15 oz) cans tomato sauce

1 (15 oz) can diced tomatoes

1 can Rotel

2 (15 oz ) cans beans of your choice (I had black beans and pinto beans on hand)

2 Tbsp tomato paste

3/4 chicken stock

2-4 Tbsp chili powder depending how hot you like it

1 Tbsp ground cumin

1 Tbsp dried red pepper flakes

1 tsp dried oregano

1 Tbsp salt, plus more if desired to taste

1/2 tsp black pepper

3 to 4 cups of shredded, cooked turkey meat



1. In a large, 8 quart, thick-bottom pot, add the olive oil and cook the onion and bell pepper  over medium high heat, stirring, until golden, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic, chili powder, cumin, and red pepper flakes and cook, stirring, for a minute or two more.

2. Add tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste, stock, beans, oregano, salt, pepper and cooked turkey meat. Bring mixture to a simmer and reduce heat to low. Simmer, uncovered, for an hour.

YUM! I made an awesome cornbread to go with it:

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I used this recipe that I loved before  but this time I added some chopped pickled jalapenos, cheddar cheese and some of the leftover creamed corn from Thanksgiving. Best cornbread ever!!

After dinner we took the kids over to our friends house for dessert. I brought the rest of my apple pecan bars and homemade vanilla ice cream. They were a big hit!

Saturday morning I made another breakfast burrito. This time I added pickled jalapenos and some bean and corn salsa to the eggs. Genius!

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Then it was time for hubby and I to hit the road for Los Angeles and my brother’s tailgate. You see, I went to USC and he went to Notre Dame. Big family rivalry!!

My brother’s wife and I:

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The hubby and I:

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We noticed that there was a huge empty picture frame. Once we found out what it was for we took full advantage of it.

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You can frame yourselves!  Who thinks of this stuff!?!

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I guess I was feeling creative!

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Some guy smashed a watermelon on his head:

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Who does that stuff!?! :)

After deciding that the music they were playing stunk, I offered my DJ services with my iphone.

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I think I missed my calling. I had the crowd going for awhile until the music player device died. Oh well. There’s always next time!

I didn’t snap any food pics. I had two cheeseburgers over the course of the tailgate. By the time it was half time during the game, I needed food. I bought the most delicious turkey dog loaded with sauteed onions and peppers! Twas so delicious!!

What a night!

We woke up this morning, checked out of our hotel, grabbed some Starbucks and went home. What a crazy 24 hours!

Before we got home, we picked up some lunch to go from Milton's. I ordered their chopped salad:

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Yes I ate the entire thing! :)

I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday!

Do you have a favorite chili recipe? Care to share?

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  1. Great idea to make chili - I didn't think of that! I can't believe someone smooshed a watermelon over their head! Crazy.

  2. Love that chili recipe! I just made a new one this weekend - still trying to find my favorite! Looks like a fun weekend watermelon to the head? yes, who DOES that stuff?

  3. I have got to try that cornbread! I saw a recipe in a cookbook a few weeks ago that featured a tomato sandwich on cornbread and i've been dreaming about the stuff! =)

    Jenn @ P&C


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