142.4…Asian Cowboy

I didn’t have time yesterday for a real dinner before heading out the door to book club with my daughter. I quickly spread some Teddie peanut butter on some wheat bread and that was that. By the way, I finished the Super Chunky jar (tears) so I’m onto the Creamy version. Muy excelente.

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Good thing I didn’t eat a full meal because look what was awaiting me when I arrived at book club:

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Score! The hostess went all out! I enjoyed some of the wine I brought over:

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The book we were to discuss was The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. No one had finished the book (oops!) so we didn’t even talk about it. I was glad because I didn’t want to find out what happens until I finished reading it. It’s really good so far!

I was in the cereal mood this morning so I kept it simple with a bowl of Special K Vanilla Almond cereal with almond milk.

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I took the kids to school and went to my Cardio Muscle class. I came home, started the laundry and then my friend came over to have her makeup done for some family photos being taken later today. *Side note: I used to be a makeup artist when I first moved to San Diego about almost ten years ago.

Then my husband called to see if I wanted to go to lunch with him. Sure! I had about an hour before picking up my daughter from school, so we decided to try a new restaurant near her school called Burlap. I had heard that the executive chef there describes their cuisine as “Asian Cowboy.” That’s definitely a new one….I had to try it!

First of all, the restaurant is HUGE. When you walk in your are greeted immediately to this “Asian Cowboy” by the ambiance….a mix of Asian and cowboy-style furniture and decor.

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We were seated right away and I was excited to check out the menu. I knew what I wanted as soon as I saw it: Tuna Burger with wasabi aioli and pickled ginger. It came with a side salad and sweet potato fries.

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The sweet potato fries were served with a ginger aioli.

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The tuna burger was delicious! They used ground tuna and cooked it medium rare. The bun was excellent and the wasabi aioli gave it a great kick! Who knew I would fall in love with an Asian Cowboy!?!

I picked up my daughter and came home. In a bit I will be picking up my son from school and taking them for haircuts. Then it’s wine time while we watch the World Series tonight. How exciting was last night’s game!?!

Have you been watching the World Series? Who are you cheering for? I’m not normally a baseball fan but this is getting so exciting!

What book are you reading right now?


  1. We ate at burlap when we were there in Sept. and I had the same thing you did! I've heard it's quite the "scene" for the cougars of Carmel Valley after 5pm.

  2. @Mo
    Mo: that's what I heard too! I kinda want to check it out. :)

  3. That's hilarious that you had a book club and no one read the book!

    OMG, I want that tuna burger - wasabi aioli? Yes please!

    I don't read books much anymore - so sad! Enjoy your Saturday night - just about to pour myself a glass of wine. :D

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  6. I always like to read. I read everything. I believe it can make me know better about anything. Knowledge is important for all of us.

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