143.6…Some Like It Hot

If you’ve been reading my blog for awhile, you know I like my spicy food. I will add hot sauce to almost anything. If there’s something marked as spicy on a menu, my eyes go straight to it.

I’ve been indulging in a ton of spicy food lately and my taste buds couldn’t be happier!

Saturday night we took the kids to our hotel’s (the Terranea) restaurant called Nelson’s. After AN HOUR wait, we were finally seated. Since I had basically skipped lunch that day, I was pretty hungry! I ordered their Ahi Burger with a side salad with a red wine vinaigrette.

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This burger rocked! It had a good sized piece of rare ahi, iceberg lettuce, avocado, pickled cucumber and the best part: Sriracha Aioli. I was in love.  I actually would have preferred that they use more Sriracha than they did. :)

For breakfast yesterday morning, I debated whether or not to order the breakfast burrito again, but I decided I wanted something a bit lighter so I went with granola and yogurt.

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I had brought some raspberries and blueberries from home so I added those as well.

We got packed up and headed to my niece’s bowling party. After the party we went back to my brother in law’s house. I enjoyed some wine….

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…and lots of delicious appetizers.

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Doritos and onion dip (a family favorite-try it!), pita chips, brownies and…..

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A CRAZY SPICY salsa that I fell in love with! I don’t normally like store bought salsas but this one rocked. I have to buy this!

Dinner was food brought in from Johnny Rockets. I looked at their menu online and discovered they had a burger called The Houston. It had pickled jalapenos, pepper jack cheese and a spicy sauce. I think they named it wrong. It should be called The Melissa.

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Loved every bite! I didn’t eat the fries because we also had onion rings to share so I focused on those. Onion rings beat French fries any time.

After dinner we hopped into the car and made the two hour drive home. I was so excited to be in my own bed last night!

This morning I had Fage yogurt with Fiber One cereal, raspberries and blueberries.

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I took the kids to school and went to Cardio Muscle class. For some reason today’s workout really kicked my butt. Maybe it was all the fried food and wine this weekend? :)

After class I went to the grocery store to get some produce for the week. When I got home I whipped up lunch.

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Chicken salad sandwich and a big salad.

On today’s agenda: pick up the kids, help my son with his homework and prep tonight’s dinner. We have friends coming over to watch Monday Night Football. I’m going to be making one of my favorite foods ever…..for the first time. Any guess what that will be?

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  • 2 Free EB Dozen coupons (any variety-classic, cage-free, or organic)
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Bidding ends tomorrow (Tuesday) at 5PM PST. Good Luck!

Eggland's Best Brunch Oct 2011

French Fries or Onion Rings?

Do you like spicy food?


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