143.6…When In Doubt, Put It In A Salad

There’s a lot of food in my freezer. I need to make some sort of dent in there before making my “do-ahead” Thanksgiving dishes.

Last night I pulled out some fajita-style chicken. My husband made them into tacos but I made a huge salad out of mine.

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Leftovers are great for turning into salads! With the chicken, I added chopped romaine, black beans, salsa, cheddar cheese and a dollop of sour cream. It was actually really delicious! I think my husband thought I was crazy when I threw all this stuff on top of lettuce.

Breakfast this morning was an omelet with jalapenos, green bell peppers, onions and shredded cheddar cheese.

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I took the kids to school and went to spin class. Next up was Trader Joe’s. My parents are in town and I’m going to make them a nice dinner tonight.  Aren’t I just the best!?! :)

After my parents arrived I took them to lunch at The Pantry. I ordered a Cobb salad with shrimp.

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It was so delicious!

We are going to pick up the kids from school and come home for the evening. I’m excited about the recipe I’m making tonight…if it turns out good, I’ll share it with you tomorrow!

What do you do with leftovers? Eat them straight up or turn them into something else?


  1. Your fajita salad looks awesome! I love yummy salads!

  2. I like making new creations with leftovers! I like your salad rule it happens often at my place:)


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