144.8…A Lot Less

Thanks for all the sweet compliments on the dress I bought it Vegas! And to think, I was hesitant about buying it. :)

Compared to all the food I ate in Las Vegas, this post will be very short. The fun is over and it’s time to get back to regular life right?

I did not eat dinner last night. I was full from the huge Chipotle lunch I had on the way home from Vegas. My stomach started growling around 9PM but I ignored it. It had had enough. Plus I was about to go to sleep so I did not need to eat.

I had a delicious breakfast this morning: Fage yogurt, Trader Joe’s High Fiber cereal, strawberries and raspberries.

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The Fage flavor I had today was the Mango one. It was pretty good but not my favorite.

I took the kids to school and went to Cardio Boot camp class. It was a great class today. I’m really enjoying this new class.  I really needed it today!

Lunch was a tuna salad sandwich, pickle spears and roasted red pepper & tomato soup.

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The kids had half day today so I picked them up early. After they ate lunch, I took my daughter to Petco because her fish died. Poor thing (my daughter and the fish). She picked out a new fish that looked exactly like her old one. :)

Even thought I’m supposed to being “eating less”, I have the baking bug. What should I bake? And besides, my husband and kids will eat it right? :)

Do you have a cutoff time in the evening when you stop eating? I really don’t. If I’m really honestly hungry, I’ll eat a little something no matter what time it is.

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  1. No, in fact I plan a bedtime snack otherwise I wake up hungry during the night. Besides, it's really calories in 24 hours, not really when ingested.

    I am in the mood for chocolate chip cookies! :-)

  2. Love your dress from Vegas! I am trying to curb my night time snacking big time - I am not even hungry but I like that salty crunch at night. :D

  3. i try not to eat after 8:30, but often that doesn't work. i love fage - best yogurt ever!

  4. I'm with you. When hungry, I eat. Although I try to keep hunger at bay as much as I can by incorporating high-fiber foods throughout the day. It seems like this is something you do too and I think that's so great!


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