143.4…Restaurant Restraint

Yesterday afternoon I needed a snack.  I had a bowl of Fiber One Honey Squares cereal with almond milk.

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We took the kids out to dinner to PF Changs. It’s actually my son’s favorite restaurant. He loves their Chang’s Spicy Chicken (so do I!). I mapped out what I was going to eat ahead of time so I wouldn’t go overboard on calories. I started with a cup of Egg Drop soup.

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For my entree I ordered the Shrimp with Garlic Sauce and ate it with brown rice and a ton of spicy chili sauce. :)

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So good!  I was tempted to eat some of the kids’ Lo Mein and Chang’s Spicy Chicken but I was able to refrain! Go me! It really helps me to look at menus ahead of time and make a decision as to what I’m going to order. I’m less likely to order something unhealthy when I’ve made an educated decision ahead of time.

For breakfast this morning I whipped up an egg sandwich using  one real egg and put it on a toasted English muffin that was smeared with a wedge of Laughing Cow Garlic & Herb cheese. And don’t forget the watermelon!

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My husband took the kids to school this morning so I took my time getting ready. I went to my Cardio Muscle class and then straight to Costco. I was excited to find this:

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Huge box of Fage yogurts! I was so excited that I had to try one for lunch. I went with the Cherry Pomegranate. I added some Trader Joe’s muesli, strawberries and raspberries (from Costco).

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De-freaking-licious. The only problem was that by the time I ate it, I was starving. And it didn’t stay with me for that long. :( Maybe it’s a better breakfast for me. I need more substance at lunch I guess. 

I picked up my daughter from school, did some stuff around the house and then picked up my son. When I got home I had some hummus and carrots.

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The husband is working tonight so leftovers it will be!

Do you ever eat breakfast foods for lunch or dinner?

What’s your biggest meal of the day?


  1. My biggest (and most favorite) meal of the day is definitely breakfast. And because it is my favorite, we do sometimes have it for dinner too. I keep baggies of cereal around for snacks too.

  2. You are getting really good about restaurant restraint. It's taken me so long to start doing better in restaurants and I could still use some work. I love breakfast for dinner.


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