143.6…Creamy Taco Mac

Dinner made me happy last night. I loved the recipe I made for Creamy Taco Mac!

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The recipe called for cream cheese but when I went to get it from the fridge, it was moldy. :( After consulting Twitter and Google, I decided to use Fage yogurt instead. It worked out wonderfully! This may sound gross to most of you but it reminded me of Hamburger Helper but way more sophisticated. I used to love Hamburger Helper growing up so this dish made me smile.

Breakfast this morning was an egg sandwich (with a real egg) and some strawberries.

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I went to spin class, showered and made lunch. Chicken salad sandwich and a big salad:

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Then it was time to tackle my to-do list: install new printer (check!), finish laundry (check!) and copy everything from my old computer onto my new external hard drive and then copy it to my Mac (currently in process). 

Somewhere during all this, I ate a big bowl of watermelon.

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I’m going to pick up my son from an overnight playdate soon. All that’s left on my agenda is to make dinner, drink some wine and watch USC football. (Rough day) :) Go Trojans!

Have you ever had Hamburger Helper?

What was your favorite meal as a child?

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  1. I got no problems with hamburger helper. Hubby is not a fan but it tastes good and it's easy and I'm all for that.

  2. so glad you liked it! LOVE the idea of subbing yogurt - genius! Glad it worked out. Nice job knocking out the to-do list - I need to get on mine today!

  3. @fittingbackin
    Thank you so much for the recipe....I loved it!


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