142.8…Impromptu Date

Last night the husband and I went on a last minute date. We had a Groupon type thing to use at Tommy V’s in Del Mar and decided to use it. I was so excited! I celebrated with a glass of wine at home before we left.

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I tried a self portrait with the wine but the wine didn’t really make it into the pictures. Oh well….at least you can see how happy I was!

I had never been to Tommy V’s before and I was excited to try it. The reviews I read online were pretty mixed but I went with an open mind (and a hungry stomach).

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Tommy V’s is located right across from the polo fields in Del Mar. There wasn’t any polo being played last night but instead there were a few soccer games and a ton of hot air balloons.

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We sat outside on their enclosed patio and had a great view. I enjoyed a glass of wine with my dinner.

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My husband and I shared The Caprese Salad:

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The mozzarella was so fresh…this rocked my world. I wish I had had the entire plate to myself. (sorry hubby!)

Somehow my entree escaped my camera. It’s too bad because it was excellent. I had Linguine Vongole with Fresh Clams, Roasted Garlic and a Spiced White Wine Sauce. The sauce didn’t seem spicy to me so I added a ton of red pepper flakes. You know I like things hot! The pasta dish was light and delicious. I ate every bite.

Since we had a certain amount we had to spend, we had some extra so we ordered dessert. We shared a Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake.

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It was amazing. What a great flavor combination. I really enjoyed my dinner at Tommy V’s. I don’t know if it was because I haven’t been eating out much lately and really enjoyed the treat or if the food was really that good. My guess is that it was a bit of both. :)

This morning I was excited to dig into a new-to-me flavor Fage yogurt: Total 0% with Blueberry Acai.

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I ate it with some Trader Joe’s High Fiber cereal, strawberries and raspberries.

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This yogurt is a winner! Loved this flavor too!

After taking the kids to school, I went to the gym. There was a new class today: Cardio Boot Camp. It kicked my butt. I loved it. :)

When I got home I made lunch: tuna salad on mixed greens with cherry tomatoes, cucumbers all drizzled with balsamic vinaigrette.

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The next stop was the dentist. I had to get a couple of cavities that were starting filled. Yuck. They caught them early so I didn’t need anesthetic and it didn’t take very long.

Have a great rest of your day!

What is next on your baking list? I’m in the baking mood and need some inspiration!

How many nights a week do you eat out?


  1. I love the fage blueberry acai too! They're always putting those individual fage yogurts on sale at my supermarket and I recently got four of them for 50 cents each (with honey). Whee! I'm on a crazy schedule and work through dinner so we've been eating out a LOT. Most every day. At first it was fun but I miss home cooked food. :(

  2. We hardly ever eat out during the week, but we'll go out to breakfast/lunch once over the weekend - I prefer breakfast though - corned beef hash! :D

    After Tabasco, I think crushed red pepper flakes is my second staple - I loves it spicy too!


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