144.2…Ready for Fall

*Note: I wrote this post during the San Diego power outage yesterday*

Tuesday night I ate soup for dinner. Last night I ate leftover Crockpot Chicken Taco Chili. It has been 90 plus degrees all week. Who am I?

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For someone who has been complaining that summer went too fast, it sure looks like I’m ready for fall and cooler weather!

Along with my chili, I had a Hawaiian roll with a bit of butter. Someone get these things out of the house please!

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Breakfast this morning was an egg sandwich. Egg beaters, low fat cheese on a toasted English muffin. I had some watermelon as well.

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I took the kids to school and went to Zumba. After a great workout, I changed and grabbed an apple.

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I went to my wax appointment and then Subway for lunch.

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After picking up the kids, I came right home. And then the power went out. Seems like it’s out all over San Diego. Hopefully it will come on soon so I can press publish on this post! I had a recipe that I’m excited about making tonight…power come back on! Don’t let all my food in my freezer defrost….you guys know how much stuff I have in there! :)

*Update: the power wasn’t off long enough to defrost all my food. Yeah!*

Are you ready for fall? What’s your favorite season?


  1. I heard that it was probably a worker that caused the power outage - yikes! Glad it wasn't out for too long, and I'll pretend I don't see those huge chunks of onions in your chili!

    Bring on the pumpkin!

  2. I am so ready for Fall, I love sweaters and boots. But I hate all the snow that comes after it.

  3. Yeah, I was so worried about our food too. Particularly my coffee flavored light ice cream that I'm in LOVE with. I HATE wasting food.

  4. I'm ready for fall, but definitely not Iowa winters! They can stay away!


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