144.6…How I Make Things Taste Better

If a recipe needs a little something something or if I make something that’s just plain bland, I add hot sauce to it! I have three hot sauces on rotation in my house: Cholula (my favorite), Sriracha and Tabasco.

Last night my husband was working late so I heated up some of the Campbell’s Cheesy Skillet Chicken & Rice I made the other night.

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If you remember….it wasn’t a big hit. So….I do what I normally do in this kind of situation.

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I add hot sauce. And usually, I add A LOT of hot sauce. I like my food SPICY.

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Look at that orange blob of hot sauce on the chicken. After I took this picture, I really unloaded and added a ton more sauce. I enjoyed this dish SO MUCH better than the first time! I love you hot sauce.

Breakfast this morning was Fiber One Honey Squares cereal with almond milk and watermelon.

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I took the kids to school and went to my Cardio Muscle class. I basically lived out of my car today.  Before I left the house this morning, I packed my food for the day. Including this Fiber One bar I had for a snack on my way to my nail appointment:

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Too bad it only kept me full for like 5 minutes. I guess that’s what you get for 90 calories. I enjoy the taste but it doesn’t do much for me. :(

After my appointment, I dug into the lunch I brought:

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I ate my turkey sandwich and my apple and picked up my daughter from school. I took her to her “Dog Smart” class. Not sure how much longer we are going to go to these classes…she hasn’t really made any progress lately and is still afraid of dogs outside the class environment. :(

We picked up my son from school and then I took them to McDonald’s for a Friday afternoon treat. While they ate their French fries, I ate my Jalapeno Popchips.

Now we are home and I’m enjoying my Friday treat:

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Tomorrow I’m off with my girlfriends to Orange County for the night. It is two of my friends’ birthdays and we are spending the weekend shopping, eating and having a great time.

Have a great weekend!

Do you like spicy food? What is your favorite hot sauce?

What are you up to this weekend?


  1. Have you tried Frank's Red Hot? Outstanding. It's good on everything. Like you, I'm a fan of spicy!

  2. I used to love spicy food, but now that I'm becoming older I get terrible indigestion when I eat spicy food. So sad - although I can still tolerate a lot of wasabi :-)

  3. hot sauce DOES make the world better! I add siracha to a lot of stuff and frank's red hot!

  4. @Anonymous
    Of course! :) As a self-proclaimed hot wings addict, I know it all too well.


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