142.8…Brownie Business

After yesterday’s fabulous tasting at Noodles & Company, I was not hungry for dinner. The tasting ended at 4PM so it was just about dinner time anyway. :)

This morning’s breakfast was an egg on a toasted English muffin smeared with a Laughing Cow cheese wedge. I also had three clementines.

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This kids were off school again today so I was able to relax for a bit before I went to Cardio Muscle class. After class I ran a few errands and came home to meet my husband for lunch. I love impromptu lunch dates!

We went to Delicias in Rancho Santa Fe. I splurged and went with the Grilled Chicken Sandwich with Parmesan fries.

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Check out how huge it was! The sandwich consisted of grilled chicken, avocado, bacon, arugula, tomato slices, brie and pesto on sourdough bread. It rocked. I (unlike myself) did not finish it and my husband ate half my fries. So I guess I was only half bad right? :)

When I got home it was time to get to baking brownie business. When I bring these ingredients out it can only mean one thing:

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Crack Brownies! (aka Toffee Brownies)

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If you haven’t tried these yet, please do. They will change your life.

I’m making two batches for my brother’s birthday party in Los Angeles tomorrow and one batch for Lisa who needs them for a party she’s going to (she ran out of time to make her own). I felt like I worked at a brownie factory (which doesn’t seem like a bad job to have!).

My husband is working tonight so I’m having leftovers for dinner. Tonight’s leftovers courtesy of Creamy Taco Mac!

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Tomorrow we are all off to Los Angeles for the weekend to visit family and go to my brother’s party. We will be watching football and eating a ton I’m sure! Have a great weekend!

What are your weekend plans?

 Do you have a favorite brownie recipe you want to share?


  1. i always use duncan hines boxed brownie mix - so good :)

    have a great weekend!

  2. The brownies look divine! I have a super fudgy salty peanut brownie recipe that I love.


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