144.4…Cookie Dough Truffles

The wait is over. I bring you: Cookie Dough Truffles.

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These are the “cookies” I brought to the Cookie Exchange Party I attended this past Sunday.  These little babies are rich and delicious.

Cookie Dough Truffles

Adapted from Food Network

  • 1/2 cup butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 1/2 pounds semi-sweet chocolate chips, melted


In a large bowl cream butter and brown sugar with an electric mixer at medium speed until creamy. Add vanilla. Gradually beat in flour and add milk. Add chocolate chips, mixing well. Shape into 1-inch balls. Place on waxed paper; chill 2 hours.

*Note: Since the dough is sticky, roll your fingers into flour. This will make it easier to roll.

Melt chocolate chips in a double boiler or slowly in the microwave. Using 2 forks, dip cookie balls into candy coating to cover. Place on waxed paper and chill to set. Store in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

Printable Recipe

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I made my truffles way too big. The cookie dough balls itself weren’t too big until I dipped them in the chocolate. The recipe is supposed to make 5 dozen but I only got 45 out of one batch.

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Last night we headed over to my friend Alicia’s for Monday Night Football aka Hot Wing night.

It’s important for girlfriends to have matching blinged out wine glasses just in case you didn’t know.

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I brought over my favorite Cole Slaw:

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I went a little heavy handed on my dry mustard measurement. Note to self: do not do that next time. The spice of the slaw was a little much.

Speaking of spice…..the hot wings last night were perfectly spicy. Let’s take a look as the liquid gold is poured over them.

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Pure heaven.

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Look how dainty my little wing serving is. Don’t worry. I went back four more times. I ended up on Alicia’s couch at the end of the night. Wing overdose.

I like how my weight has jumped up four pounds in the last four days. I guess that’s what happened when you eat your weight in cookies and hot wings.

I thought today I might try and eat healthy. Let’s see how it goes. Breakfast was innocent enough: Fage yogurt with strawberries:

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I took the kids to school and went to spin class. Last day I’ll be exercising until Monday. Should be interesting…..

Lunch was a quick tuna salad:

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I waited too long to make lunch and had to eat a couple of handfuls of Wheat Thins while I was making the tuna salad.

I need to pick up the kiddos, take my son to the dentist and make dinner. Tomorrow I have a Thanksgiving to-do list that is a mile long. Wish me luck!

Have you ever made chocolate truffles? This was my first attempt. I ended up having to make two batches and it took forever because of it. It might be awhile before I make them again. :)


  1. Oh my goodness - and I mean GOODNESS - cookie dough truffle balls.

  2. Oh goodness, those cookie dough truffle balls look super delicious! :D

    I love your blinged out wine glasses, and those strawberries look delicious in your yogurt today! :D


  3. You're cookie dough truffle balls look great! I've never tried to make my own, but if I did, I think I would have a hard time not going overboard on them! That's why I try to keep my pantry stocked with a few Kellogg's FiberPlus(R) bars at all times - helps keep my sweet tooth in check so I don't overindulge later on.

  4. Yum! Remind me to plan a cookie exchange next year - and invite Melissa!

  5. Holy cow. Those truffles look amazing. As if I needed one more thing to put cookie dough in!

  6. @Kelly
    I know, right!?! Cookie Dough is always a winner!


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