143.2…A Lot of Appetizers

I had such a fabulous time last night at Bunco.
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What’s not to like? Wine, great food and all my favorite girlfriends! Speaking of food, I dominated the appetizers.

Caprese bites:
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Chicken skewers with a peanut sauce:
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Scallop puffs:
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Arancini with creamy horseradish dipping sauce:
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My pal Dina and I:
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Dinner was served! Breadsticks:
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And roasted red pepper soup!
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I didn’t snap any pictures of dessert because I didn’t eat any! I was able to resist and was proud of myself. I did have a few glasses of wine and a TON of appetizers so I guess it was best dessert missed my plate.

Breakfast was a waffle with Teddie peanut butter and a side of strawberries:
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I took the kids to school and went to Zumba.

Since “Operation Clean Out The Freezer” in in full effect, I pulled out lunch from my freezer: the last of Campbell’s Skillet Cheesy Chicken and Rice. Since it was a bit bland last time, I jazzed it up with a bunch of Cholula hot sauce. That will fix most problems.
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Lunch was complete with a salad.

I went grocery shopping and picked the kids up from school. I spent the rest of the day preparing my Thanksgiving sides. Once everything is cool, I pop them into the freezer and my sides are done! On Thanksgiving day, once the turkey comes out to rest, I put my defrosted sides in the oven to bake. Makes the big day a lot less stressful!

How do you eliminate stress while entertaining?


  1. Great idea to freeze the sides! I might need to do this for Christmas.

  2. I love that shirt! And so smart about freezing the sides -- I can't believe that I've never done that before! Genius!

  3. hey! i just bought that shirt at nordy's last week..i love it!!! looks like a fun night...

  4. @andrea
    Looks like great minds think alike! :)


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