141.4…San Francisco Bound!

Hello from the San Diego airport! I’m waiting for my flight to San Francisco for the Foodbuzz Festival this weekend. I cannot wait! A whole weekend of food, wine and other food bloggers….my kind of vacation!

Last night my husband took me to dinner at my favorite restaurant, Firenze. I enjoyed a glass of wine with my dinner.

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We spit our favorite salad: Chopped Caesar:

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They had a special last night that was not on the menu and I could not pass it up: 

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Grilled tuna with a side of pasta and vegetables. The tuna was cooked medium rare and it basically rocked. The sauce that they serve on this particular side of pasta is unreal. They call it “Aura” sauce and I found out last night that it is half béchamel and half of their homemade marinara. I’m going to have to try and recreate this at home. This sauce is so good, I think I could bathe in it. You think I’m joking.

I was up before the sun this morning to get ready and finish packing for my flight. I made a breakfast sandwich using a whole wheat English muffin, egg beaters and a slice of low fat cheese. I had an orange as well.

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I took the kids to school and then made my way to the airport. First stop: Starbucks.

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I grabbed a sandwich for the flight:

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Problem is is that I’m already hungry and my flight doesn’t leave for 2 hours. Dilemmas.

See ya from San Francisco!

Do you buy snacks/meals to bring on the plane or do you bring them from home? I do a little of both. I always have some sort of bar with me and usually buy a water/coffee and another snack.


  1. Oh have SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH FUN!! I'm so bummed I can't make it this year. Take lots of photos mmk?


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