My Kind of Pour

I’m already back from the visit with my family. It was short but definitely sweet. :)

My brother and his wife picked me up at the train station yesterday and we made our way to my parent’s house. We snacked on cheese, crackers, salami, veggies and dip. And wine.

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A whole lot of wine. Check out the size of the pour my dad gave me:

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Holy jug of wine batman!

We have a tradition in my family that we get together for each person’s birthday. We open gifts and hang out. The birthday person gets to pick the dinner for the evening. Since it was my brother’s birthday, he chose King Taco for dinner.

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Carne asada burrito with a side of guacamole. Heaven.

Dessert was my brother’s favorite cake: Baskin Robbins ice cream cake.

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I went back for a second slice. :)

For breakfast I had toasted raisin bread slices with peanut butter and a side of strawberries.

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Then it was time to head to the train station. I picked up a latte at Starbucks which I drank on the train while doing some work.

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I’m making a Thanksgiving timeline. I’m insanely organized and write up a minute-by-minute to-do list for Thanksgiving day so I know exactly what I’m supposed to be doing.

On the train I ate a turkey sandwich that I bought at the Subway at the train station.

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Now I’m home with the kiddos. :) Looking forward to a little relaxing tonight.

Does your family have any birthday traditions?

Are you a list maker like I am?


  1. Is that Gold Medal Ribbon inside that cake because if it is, with King Taco as the main course, your brother is my new favorite person!

  2. What a fun tradition! Since I live so far from my family I don't think I have seen them anywhere near my birthday in 12+ years but they do always call in the morning.

  3. Yep, list maker in the house! ;-)


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