
I had another fabulous evening last night at our club. The kids had fun at the "night care" that our club offers. Everyone wins! :)

When my husband and I arrived last night, they had the normal complimentary appetizers out in the bar. I tried a meatball, a small piece of pizza with caramelized onions and an Asian dumpling of some sort. I didn't snap a picture because there was no where to sit...it was packed last night! I did have a glass of Merlot while I was mingling with friends.

We sat down to dinner and had some more vino:

I decided to skip my normal salad and go big for dinner. Prime rib!

Sorry to the non-meat eater readers. :) I enjoyed every bite. Hubby ordered his usual messy sundae for dessert:

Gosh that thing is good. When we got home we all crashed!! Hubby left early this morning for a golf tournament but the rest of us slept in....until 8AM. Yes....that's the way I'd like to start every day!

Breakfast was a low fat waffle with almond butter and some cantaloupe:

That was the perfect fuel for my spin class. I had a fabulous workout! Came home, showered and then fixed everyone lunch. I decided on a turkey and swiss sandwich on a sandwich thin with a bowl of Trader Joe's pea soup & a pickle:

Then it was toy organization time. Wow....that took forever. I organized all the toys in the new bookcases I put together yesterday. It looks so much better! After that was finished, it was snack time!

I actually went back for seconds of the watermelon.

Now I'm just catching up on blogs and relaxing before I have to make dinner. The USC football game is on tonight....I'm excited!

Do you watch football? What's your favorite team (college and/or professional)?


  1. I love to watch pro football. That's what Sunday afternoons in the fall are made of. My two favorite teams are the Vikings (I grew up in MN) and the Cardinals (by default, I'm in AZ) I went to an all women, private college, so not as much into college fb.


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