138.8….Wine and Cake

After we last met, I made a quick snack:

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Fage yogurt mixed with Fiber One yogurt, Fiber One cereal and blackberries. I’m trying to get rid of the Fiber One yogurt because it’s too sweet so mixing with the Fage helps.

Every since my freezer almost-disaster, I decided to need to eat the leftovers I have in there. For dinner I pulled out a bag entitled: Chicken Cacciatore and served it with whole wheat spaghetti, sautéed onions, zucchini and spinach. I also made a Caesar salad to go with it:

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Since we are leaving for Las Vegas (!!) on Thursday, I’m trying to use up all the fresh produce in the fridge.

I went to bed even earlier last night than I did the night before. I love a fabulous, full night of sleep!

Breakfast this morning was more Fage yogurt with Fiber One cereal and blackberries:

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I took the kids to school and then went to spin class. My bum and quads are killing me from yesterday’s workout but I managed to get through the class. :) 

I came home to change and head over to The Pantry for my friend Nora’s birthday lunch.  One of our friends couldn’t make it at the last minute so she called the restaurant and ordered our table a couple bottles of wine. Nice! (Thanks Darcy!)

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I ordered the Cobb salad with grilled shrimp:

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It was delicious!!

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Lisa, who organized this fabulous lunch, brought a birthday cake for Nora!

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I LOVE birthday cake!

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Cake and coffee…..Yum!

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Then I needed a nap.

But there were errands to run, and kids to pick up and life to live.

The hubby is working tonight so I’m on my own for dinner. I’m still super full from lunch so I’m not sure there will be dinner for me. Shocker! But only time will tell….

Frosting or the cake….which do you prefer? I prefer a lot of both. :) 

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  1. The title of your post is my two most favorite things!! I like the frosting the best - I usually try to snag a corner piece with a rose. ;-)

  2. Funny thing- I really don't like cake. I would rather have chips and guac.

  3. I love love bday cake myself, looks like a great time.


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