
Before we took the kids out for dinner last night, I decided to pour myself a little vino:

Before we had to leave for dinner, both my baking experiments were finished. The first:

Chocolate Banana Bread. I was worried about this one because I decided to halve the recipe. Well, I halved everything as I went along except the flour. I realized my mistake as I was putting it into the dry ingredients. I stopped, fortunately in time it looked like.

It tasted really good! Success!

Ok, the next recipe was for Buttermilk Wheat Bread which I made in the bread machine:

This one I didn't get to try until today (see below) because it was literally done as we were running out the door.

We took the kids and met Lisa and her kids at Pei Wei. Behold my standard:

Kid's size honey seared shrimp with brown rice and veggies. Then it was off to Sweet Things for some frozen yogurt:

This one was a mix of Cake Batter, Red Velvet Cake and Fudgesicle with a little crumbled Nestle Crunch Bar on top. Mmmmmm

The kids are don't have school today or tomorrow so I had a nice, leisurely morning. For breakfast I had a low fat waffle with almond butter and a side of cantaloupe:

I went to Zumba (burned 600 calories!) and came home for some lunch.

Salad with mixed greens, butter lettuce, carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, mushrooms, red onions and tuna all tossed with balsamic vinaigrette.

I spent the next few hours changing my son's room from a "baby" room to a "big boy" room. I took his diaper changing table top off his dresser finally and moved his huge train table with all his trains, tracks, buildings, etc up to his room. Wow...he has a lot of train equipment.

When it was all finished, it was definitely snack time. I finally broke into my buttermilk bread:

I toasted it and put some butter and honey on it. Heaven. There really is nothing like home baked bread. The apple I had tasted nasty so it got thrown away.

I finally took a shower and it felt amazing. Moving furniture takes a lot out of you! Hubby and I are going to dinner with some friends tonight so I need to finish getting ready. Enjoy the rest of your evening!

What is your favorite candy bar? Nestle Crunch by far. :)


  1. For years it was Twix, but now I'd have to say that it is a Heath bar.
    Your breads look so delicious!

  2. I love homemade bread, I need to make some. That slice with butter looks delicious!

  3. oooh chinese + fro you?! Love it! Smart to get the kid's portion - great size!

    Snickers, reese's cups OR crunch.. or kit kat. I love candy!


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