
Hi all! I'm posting a little early tonight because the hubby is coming home for dinner late and I'm exhausted for some reason today. After dinner, I want to get the dishes done, the kids in bed and I want to go to bed myself!

Breakfast was an old standby: light wheat English muffin with Barney Butter and a side of cantaloupe and pineapple:

After taking the kids to school, I went to Lisa's for the Legs/Back and Ab Ripper videos for some more P90X fun. Lots of lunges/squats/abs and now my butt is sore! But it's all good....we are really starting to see some good changes!

I had lunch afterwards at Subway:

Then it was off to the dentist, grocery store and Golden Spoon!!

This Golden Spoon was inside the Ralph's that I went to so how could I resist? I got gas in the car and then came home. Now I'm chilling on the couch drinking some coffee (in the hopes to wake up) waiting for the hubby to let me know he's on his way so I can start making dinner.
Hope everyone had a fabulous Monday!


  1. Glad you're p90x is already showing results! You always make me want subway. :)

  2. I'm jealous that you have fro yo in your grocery store.


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