
Barely keeping it under 140.0...I doubt tomorrow will be any help! :)

Breakfast was an experiment. I keep reading about Hungry Girl's Egg Mugs so I decided to try the basic one:

Spray a microwave safe large mug with cooking spray and put 1/2 cup of egg beaters and a cut up Laughing Cow cheese inside and stir. Microwave for one minute and stir. Then microwave for an additional 3-45 seconds until set. I dumped it onto a light wheat English muffin. It was really good. With the egg being puffed like that, it seemed super filling!!

I prepped most of the day for the Thanksgiving meal tomorrow. I like to do everything ahead that I can. The table is set, the sides are made (I put them in the oven when the turkey comes out to rest), the platters and cooking pots/pans are out and I'm ready to go!

In the middle of all this was lunch. I had the rest of the Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato soup from Costco as well as very yummy grilled cheese sandwich. I took a couple of slices of the sourdough bread I bought for my stuffing and put some swiss cheese inside. I sprayed it with butter spray and let it sit in a pan on low heat for awhile. Crispy bread with gooey cheese....what could be better?? The sandwich was huge so I only ate half.

Dinner was Souplantation with hubby and kids. I really love this place. I was starving, hence the ginormous salad.....and chili....and pizza bread. I ate almost all of it plus this yummy Caramel Pumpkin Cake with vanilla soft serve.

I'm ready for a good night's sleep before all the festivities begin tomorrow! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

What are your Thanksgiving plans?


  1. My parents are in China right now...but I've been invited to my FIRST ever real Thanksgiving Dinner! Excited! Tee hee!

    Wow. I've heard great things abt Souplantation...I've always wanted to try it!


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