I need a Napa.

Hello from Napa Valley! I enjoyed a lovely beverage on my flight into San Francisco yesterday.

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I met up with my sister in law Stephanie and her friends and we stopped at TGI Fridays for a quick drink before our ride showed up.

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We hit the road to Napa and finally arrived at our hotel after a bunch of seriously annoying traffic. We checked into our hotel, grabbed a drink at the bar and got ready for dinner.

We drove to St. Helena to have dinner at Tra Vigne. We had fabulous wine and even more fabulous appetizers. The first (and best in my opinion) appetizer was Mozzarella Cheese “Al Minuto”: hand made at the moment ordered, grilled bruschetta, Napa valley olive oil. The mozzarella came in a large piece in a bowl with garlic and olive oil and the waiter sliced it and placed it on the bruschetta:

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It rocked my face off.

Another winner was the Rosemary Pizzetta: Roasted Garlic, Cambozola cheese, Dickson Ranch “Regina” Olive Oil:

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The final appetizer (which we ended up ordering two of) was the Fried Risotto Balls with Marinara:

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So good!  My plate:

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For my entree I ordered the Maltagliate Verde: Herb Infused Pasta, slow cooked Pozzi Ranch Sonoma lamb and Sangiovese Wine Sugo:

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It doesn’t look like much in the picture but it was beyond unbelievable. I savored every bite. I will never forgot you wonderful bowl of pasta. Never.

For dessert I ordered the chocolate bread pudding:

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I wish I could say it was as fabulous as the dinner was but it wasn’t. :( I think the rest of the food was so good that I had high hopes for dessert but it didn’t live up. It’s all good…..we had a fabulous time!

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On our way out we discovered some seriously large bottles of wine.

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It just seemed like a perfect picture.

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Getting up to run this morning was a little rough. Stephanie’s friend Tina decided to run with us. I have to say that running with friends is so much better than running by yourself. 6 miles went by fast!!! Stephanie is doing a run/walk interval program where she runs for 4 minutes and walks for 1 minute. I just ran super slow with her during her walking intervals.

Mile 1 – 12:27

Mile 2 – 12:45

Mile 3 – 12:47

Mile 4- 12:26

Mile 5 – 12:14

Mile 6 – 12:19

Yes. I felt so good afterward! We ordered breakfast as soon as we got back:

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Yogurt with granola and some coffee. Hit the spot.

After changing, we hit the road for the wineries. Stay tuned for the recap. I’m going to need a nap soon.

What is the best thing you ate all weekend? I’ll answer that question in my next post. :)


  1. I made some banana soft-serve yesterday with peanut butter. Yum!

  2. woah that is a huge bottle! =) too fun! Looks like you're having a total blast! can't wait to hear more!!!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  3. I am so jealous...words can not express.


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