142.6…It’s been a long time

I’m not sure when the last time I ate all 3 meals of the day at home but it’s been awhile. For the last 24 hours, all meals have been consumed at home and I’m cooking tonight! Feels nice to get back to reality (sort of). :)

Hubby was working late last night so I threw together a random meal for myself. I’m really trying to use the things I have in my pantry/fridge/freezer instead of buying more food. I had a frozen tilapia fillet in the freezer so I cooked that up. I had a head of cauliflower that I cut up, drizzled with olive oil, salt and pepper and parmesan and roasted in the oven:

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I found this in the freezer too:

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Hmm….how long was  that in there? I ate it anyway. It was only slightly freezer burned.

Today I woke up feeling tired. I think the weekend caught up with me. Boo. I enjoyed my almond butter toast so much yesterday that I decided to have it again today.

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At least the fruit counterpart was different. Today was mandarin oranges. 

After I dropped the little ones at school, I went to spin class. I haven’t been to a spin class in a couple of weeks…I’m going to be sore tomorrow!

I came home to start trying to clear off my desk. It’s a mess. After some cleaning success, I made lunch:

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Turkey & Swiss cheese sandwich on toasted wheat bread. I put some cucumber, lettuce and Dijon mustard on the sandwich as well. I had a cup of some roasted red pepper & tomato soup as well.

On my way to pick up the kiddos from school, I snacked on some fresh dates. I’m going to sign off because I need to get dinner started. You all have been so patient with my shenanigans lately so I will reward you with a recipe tomorrow.  Aren’t I the best!?! :)

How often do you eat out? I go through spurts…sometimes I eat at home for awhile and then there are other times where it seems like I’m always out.

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  1. I let myself eat out once a week at work...otherwise during the week we always eat at home. Sometimes on the weekend we'll go out, but it isn't always easy with a little one!

  2. The man and I are fans of finding new places with GREAT food, so we would love to eat out at least once a week, but we don't. We are lucky if we eat out once a month based on our schedules. In the future though, after our wedding.... I am on a mission to travel to some of the places I see on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives & The best thing I ever ate... that will be my mission!

  3. my boyfriend and i have been eating out too much...especially on the weekends. its just so easy sometimes you know?? and sometimes more fun too :P

  4. It has been a really long since we have eaten out. I think it might be time to go out for a date :)

  5. love me some spin classes!!

    we try not to eat out too much just for health/money reasons...but sometimes i crave not cooking :)

  6. We try to eat in the majority of the time, just to save money, but I sure love eating out!

    I've never roasted cauliflower before, but heard it's good; I need to try it!

  7. Good for you for making a meal instead of buying more food - I need to get better at that!

    I rarely go out to eat. I guess once/week?

  8. I typically eat out once during the week for lunch (usually on Friday's but it is always a salad bar with yummy veggies and fruits) and then once during the weekend with the fam.


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