141.2…Feta Turkey Burgers

Who doesn’t love a good burger? Whether it be a turkey burger, veggie burger or your standard beef burger, a good burger is one of my favorite meals on the planet.
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After trying the Feta Turkey Burger with Grilled Onions and Garlic Toasted Buns at my cooking class at Great News last week, I knew I wanted to make these at home.

Get your ingredients out.
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Stir together breadcrumbs, parsley, oregano, garlic, eggs, milk, feta, salt and pepper.
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Add in the turkey and mix to combine.
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Divide into four and form into patties.
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Pop them in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, mix some garlic into olive oil and set aside.
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Brush some hamburger buns and slices of red onion with the garlic olive oil mixture. Then brush the burgers with it and pop them on the grill.
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Cook covered for 5 minutes. If cooking inside like I did, just tent the burgers with some foil. Flip everything over and cook for another 5 to 6 minutes.
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Toast the buns and your done!
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Love the grilled onions on the burgers!
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I added lettuce, mustard and ketchup to mine but you could add any toppings you want!
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The original recipe calls for a garlic mayonnaise but I didn’t make it because the hubby doesn’t like mayo (I think his list of things he doesn’t like is longer than the list of things he does). I had the garlic mayo in class and it was excellent. I’ll include it in the recipe for you try.
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The turkey burgers were a huge hit!

Feta Turkey Burgers with Grilled Red Onions and Garlic Toasted Buns (Makes 4)
Original Recipe: Phillis Carey, Great News

Printable Recipe

1/2 cup plain dry breadcrumbs
1/4 cup chopped Italian parsley
1 tsp dried oregano
5 cloves garlic, minced, divided use
2 eggs, lightly beaten
2 Tbsp milk
1/2 cup crumbled sheep’s milk feta
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp freshly ground pepper
1 1/2lbs ground turkey (not white meat – dark or a combo)
1/3 cup olive oil
1/3 cup mayonnaise mixed with 1/2 tsp dried oregano and 1/2 tsp lemon zest
1 red onion, cut across into 4 thick slices
4 good quality hamburger buns

1. For burgers, in a large bowl, stir together the breadcrumbs, parsley, oregano, 2 cloves garlic, eggs, milk, feta, salt and pepper. Add the turkey and gently stir to combine, being careful not to overwork the mixture. Divide mixture into 4 parts and form into patties. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before cooking.

2. Stir remaining 3 cloves minced garlic into olive oil; set aside. Stir oregano and lemon zest into mayonnaise; refrigerate until serving time.

3. Brush the outside of first the onions, then the cut side of the buns and finally the burgers with the garlic/olive oil. Place burgers and onions on the preheated grill and cook, covered for 5 minutes. Turn and cook until onions are charred in spots and burgers are cooked through, 5 to 6 minutes longer.

4. Toast the cut sides of the buns and spread bottom of each bun with the flavored mayonnaise. Top with a burger, then the grilled onions, then the bun top; serve.
Tip: Burgers can be fried in a nonstick skillet for 3 to 4 minutes per side and then roasted in a 375 degree oven for 10 to 15 minutes to finish cooking through.


Breakfast this morning was two wheat waffles, one with almond butter and the other with strawberry jelly. I also had a grapefruit. I ended up putting the 2 waffles together to form a AB&J sandwich:
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I took the kids to school and went for a run. Today’s half marathon training was 4 miles. Usually I go to track practice on Wednesday nights but tonight is Bunco so I had to get my run in early.

Mile 1 – 10:43
Mile 2 – 10:38
Mile 3 – 10:01
Mile 4 – 9:36

It was hot this morning! I was kind of missing the cold! I guess the grass is always greener right? I started out slow and then tried to give myself a heart attack during the last mile.

I read some blogs when I got home and was so excited to see this Greek Pasta Salad on Kelly’s blog. I was hungry and couldn’t figure out what to make and when I saw the recipe I knew it would be lunch.
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I followed the recipe pretty much the way it is except that I took Kelly’s advice and added Greek yogurt (Fage) to the dressing. I did also add cucumbers. It rocked my world. I’m so glad I have leftovers!

After lunch I picked up the kiddos and came home to take a much needed shower. Bunco is tonight and I’m excited to see my girls!

Are you a burger fan? What’s your calling: beef, turkey, veggie, something else?


  1. I was just thinking, wow I'm hungry for burgers, and BAM in my face! Your yummy burgers! They look great and I completely agree on the the grilled onion front- so good! I'm a big fan of turkey burgers myself. I try to stay away from beef but that doesn't mean I don't like them, sometimes you have to just go for it!

  2. wow those burgers look amazing. i definitely need to make some homemade burgers soon!

  3. im a total burger fan! give me any kind,veggie, turkey, or beef, with any topping cheese, onions, bacon, it doesn't even matter! pair it with a side of sweet potato fries and i am one happy girl! ps great recipe

  4. I haven't been able to keep up with blogs this week but I'm so glad I didn't miss your feta burger recipe! I hope to try that one. Sounds so good! It's funny, I'm not a huge fan of meat, but I looooove beef burgers. I think it's the only way I really like red meat. I don't know why, but that's the way it is with me. Especially made on the grill! Mmmmm

  5. i love that you posted this!! i made feta and spinach turkey burgers on monday and my husband keeps wanting them every night! nothing beats a good burger :)

  6. Yum! I once made burgers with feta mixed right into the ground beef and it was fabulous and then I never made it again. There's obviously something wrong with this picture.
    Thanks for reminding me I need to make it again!


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