141.6…10K Race Recap

I survived my first race this morning….a 10K! Go me! More on that in a moment.

I whipped up a delicious dinner last night. I’m a huge fan of Indian food and I’ve been meaning to make this recipe from Veronica’s blog for Lighter Chicken Tikka Masala. I can’t believe I waited this long! It was delicious!

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I made it exactly as written and it was perfect. I served it with brown rice and peas.

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After dinner, we got the kids to bed, took a quick dip in the jacuzzi and called it a night. I need to get my rest before my race!

I was up bright and early this morning. I had already laid out all my running gear the night before so all I had to do was put it on and eat a quick breakfast.

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A little coffee and toast with peanut butter.

My friend Rachelle picked me up at 6:15am sharp and we headed over to the race. We got parked, stretched and before we knew it we were on our way!

The weather was perfect: cloudy & cool. The coarse was flat. I was a happy camper. We kept a pretty steady pace throughout the whole race. During the last quarter of a mile, I kicked it into gear and sprinted towards the end.

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Mile 1 – 10:54

Mile 2- 10:21

Mile 3- 10:25

Mile 4- 10:19

Mile 5 – 10:16

Mile 6 – 10:15

Mile .24- 1:59

I was extremely proud of myself! After the race, I got my medal, t-shirt and a slice of pizza. There was a beer garden but since I don’t drink beer, I passed on it. Why don’t they have a wine garden!?! Does that exist?

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Thank you Rachelle for being my running buddy today!!

When I got home I knew what I wanted: eggs and cheese. I went through the fridge and grabbed whatever looked good. I made scrambled egg beaters with jalapenos, bean & corn salsa and shredded cheddar cheese. I found some frozen Trader Joe’s potato pancakes in the freezer so I had some of those too.

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Breakfast of champions! After all that running and food, I had to lay down and rest for a bit. FINALLY I took a shower!

Lunch was Tikka Masala leftovers:

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Just as good as last night. :)

Hubby and I are going to a charity benefit tonight so I need to get ready. Hope you are all enjoying your weekend!

Is there such thing as a “wine garden” after races?

What is your favorite part of running races? Crossing the finish line was pretty amazing! I love how everyone cheers you on!


  1. Congrats on your first race! I'm glad to hear everything went smoothly and you're feeling good and happy to be an official 10K-er :)

    And I love that you put the priority on eating over showering! I'd be the same way!

    I would think if there were such thing as a wine garden after races, Cali would be the place to find it!

  2. I love races they're so much better than normal everyday runs! I'm running the Disney wine and Dine half marathon which takes place during Disney's Food and Wine Festival...I am so excited!

  3. Woohooo! Awesome job! You're gonna do amazing in San Diego!! Can't wait to see you out there!

  4. Good job Meliss! It is nice to have a buddy to do these things with and you rocked it! Hope you have fun at the charity and you get to eat lots of good food! You earned it!

  5. You should totally invent the post race wine garden =) Congrats on your race!!!!!! That is so fllipping awesome! =)

    and the indian dish looks awesome!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  6. You go girl! Yup, for me the best part is crossing the finish line too. I'm so happy you tried the chicken tikka masala and enjoyed it! Squee!

  7. Great job and CUTE pics! I can't wit to try this recipe. :)

  8. ahhhh I double checked the source when I was copying and pasting and i've made that one before - LOVE IT!

  9. I heart you for posting that tikka recipe. I made it Sunday night and I'm in LOVE. Had it again today for lunch...and probably again tomorrow. You would never know it was the healthified version, so good!

  10. I am shocked that you don't drink any beer. WTH?


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