Merry Christmas Eve!

It's Christmas Eve and I have the flu. :( Ugh.

On Wednesday my mom and I stopped for lunch at Red Brick Pizza. We split a pizza:

An Italian chopped salad:

Both were excellent and we ate every bite! We got back to her house and then I hit the road for my brother and sister in law's house. My sister in law and I split two bottles of wine while we were waiting for my brother to get home from work. Oh my.

We met some friend at Irori Sushi Restaurant in Marina del Rey for dinner. There was lots of wine and sushi!

After that we called it a night.

And I woke up feeling like death. Ugh. I ate some toast with peanut butter and showered and started to feel a little better. My sister and law went to have lunch at Sunin Lebanese Cafe. I have been wanting to try this place forever! We started with the falafel and hummus plate but I almost forgot to get a picture!

I ordered the lamb kabob for my entree:

It was so freaking amazing!!!! We then got stuck in traffic on the way to my parent's house but we finally made it. By then I started feeling really bad again so I wrapped up in a blanket and spent the next few hours on the couch.

Not sure if you all know this or not but my birthday is the same day as my dad's birthday! We had planned on celebrating both birthdays last night. I was feeling well enough to open gifts for sure! :)

For dinner, my dad made a salad and my mom made a rack of lamb with potatoes and veggies:

But the best part was dessert: Birthday Cake!

My favorite kind of cake: chocolate with chocolate frosting!!

After dinner I went to bed. I am feeling a little better today so that's good. Ok folks, enjoy your day!!!

Do you have a big Christmas Eve dinner or do you have it on Christmas night....or both?


  1. I hope you feel better soon!! We have our big dinner on Christmas - but the entire day is spent eating! Merry Christmas! xoxo

  2. Holy YUM!
    Such delicious-looking dishes...
    Specially that chocolate cake :)
    Hope you're having an amazing day!
    Merry Christmas, Melissa!


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