
Congratulations AubreyLaine! You are the winner of the Wendy’s giveaway! You can thank random.org for picking your number for me. :) Send me your mailing info and I’ll pop that in the mail for ya!

Last night’s birthday dinner at Firenze was nothing short of fabulous. Hubby and enjoyed a bottle of wine.

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We split our normal salad: Chopped Caesar:

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And we had the fried mozzarella that we had last time:

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I ordered something I hadn’t had there in a very long time: Lobster Ravioli:

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Why haven’t I ordered this lately? Holy yum. Oh my. Can I bathe in that sauce?

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Happy girl. :)

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Complimentary birthday tiramisu. :) And we shared a slice of pumpkin cheesecake:

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I liked the cheesecake the best. :)

It’s always such a let down after your birthday….another year to wait for the glorious day to return! Oh well…..

For breakfast I had an egg beater sandwich on a toasted wheat English muffin smeared with a Laughing Cow Garlic & Herb cheese wedge with a side of cantaloupe:

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I took the kids to school and came home to argue with McAfee about the virus on my computer. Ugh.

I got my aggressions out at Cardio Muscle class.  Afterwards I went to the pet store to buy fish for my kids. Their very first pet. :)

There was a sushi place near my daughter’s school so I popped in for lunch:)

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Ok guys….gotta run and make dinner. I’ve also got some brownies in the oven. :)

Any fun weekend plans?


  1. you had a yummy birthday dinner!! Oh and good call on getting sushi for lunch lol I'm obsessed with sushi, it would be bad if there was one near my kids school!

  2. Just came across your blog and I really like it!
    Happy Birthday to you -- yummy looking nice dinner!!


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