
Dinner last night was kind of random. I reheated some of the shredded chicken from Sunday’s lunch and put it on corn tortillas and topped them with chopped tomatoes and Cholula hot sauce. I also had the rest of the green beans from Friday night’s dinner:

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After dinner I may have had a couple of the Eggnog cookies I baked yesterday. They are too hard to resist. Note to self: Please give the eggnog cookies away.

I was sleeping like a rock last night until my son decided that 11:45PM was the time to get up for the day. Um, yeah. I was able to convince him that it was still night time and to go back to sleep. I’m sure he fell back asleep easier  than I did…

I was out of egg beaters this morning so I did something crazy….I cooked a REAL egg for breakfast! :)

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It was pretty yummy inside my toasted English muffin. I added some low fat Swiss cheese and a side of strawberries. 

After taking the kids to school, I went to Great News for a cooking class. Today’s class was taught by Phillis Carey (check out her cookbook I’m giving away here) and was entitled: Holiday Brunch Ideas.

The first plate contained two recipes:

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On the left: Apricot Orange Scones with Marmalade Butter. These scones were pretty good. I’m not a big scone fan but I do like freshly baked scones. The marmalade butter was a nice touch.

One the right: Eggs Benedict Casserole with Chive Hollandaise Sauce.  Oh my heavens….this tasted JUST like Eggs Benedict. It was completely heavenly….the hollandaise sauce was dreamy. Ahhhhh……..

Next up was Baked Eggs with Sausage, Mushrooms and Gruyere Cheese:

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The egg got a little overcooked but I liked the idea. You sauté mushrooms and cook some sausage and put it in the little ramekins and crack an egg on top and bake for a bit. Then add some cheese and voila! You have little pots of yumminess.

The next recipe was Individual Dutch Babies with Blueberry Sauce:

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These were light and fluffy and oh so delicious!

The last recipe was Smoked Salmon and Potato Breakfast Bake:

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This was also excellent!  It was drizzled with sour cream and topped with capers and dill.

What a great class!

After class I ran a whole bunch of errands. It feels so good to check things off your to-do list!

My son is at a playdate so I need to pick him up soon. Have a great evening!

Don’t forget to enter the cookbook giveaway!

Have you read any good books lately? I’m on the last of the “Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” books and need to get some new ones.


  1. I've always wanted to make Dutch babies for Ben.
    Wait, let me clarify - the pancake things. The other kind of babies have to wait ;)

  2. I don't know if you've gotten on the Hunger Games train lately but you probably should. Good read.

  3. Hi! New to the blog here =) I'm loving it so far and can't wait to read more!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  4. Thanks Miss Pirate Princess. :) I'll have to check those out!


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