
Sorry for my absence! I've had a whirlwind of activity! I last left you on Friday afternoon. I went and got my nails/toes done and enjoyed some tea during my appointment:

When I came back, I had the other half of my soup and some light wheat bread:

Then it was off to meet my brother and his wife at Red Tracton's Restaurant in Solana Beach.

We enjoyed some Syrah and I started with a salad of greens and mushrooms with balsamic vinaigrette on the side:

Side note: I did not touch the bread basket although everyone was saying how good the bread was. :)
Dinner was Walleye Pike with a side of green beans. I had the fish blackened.

It was so good!!!!! Yes....I ate almost the entire thing. I loved it. Hubby ordered a slice of cheesecake and I did not have even one bite. That was hard. We came home and hit the hay!

Yesterday's breakfast was a repeat of the day before. I really love those blackberries!

I went over to Lisa's for the shoulders/arms and ab videos for P90X. I torched like 535 calories and it wasn't even cardio! We are on a roll! I came home and had a snack of an apple sprinkled with some cinnamon:

Then it was time to get ready for my daughter's birthday party. In between, I made another turkey and veggie wrap for lunch:
At the party, I had a vanilla latte that my brother in law was nice enough to get for me and that was it....no pizza, no cake, no cheese and crackers, etc.
When we got back to the house, we unwrapped gifts and got all the food setup for my family who was coming over. I opened a bottle of Chardonnay:

I ate a few bits of things here and there: chips and dip, cracker and cheese, veggies and dip but I didn't go crazy.
For dinner I had some spaghetti and meatballs:

Again I avoided dessert. My other sister in law brought over this amazing chocolate cake from Costco and I wanted to attack it like a crazy animal. But I had restraint. I only licked the knife when I went to clean it....boy....that was some amazing cake. And now the cake is sitting in my kitchen staring at me. Cake anyone?


  1. Yum! That blackened fish looks awesome!!

  2. You are a stronger woman than I. I heart cake - especially Costco cake...my secret guilty indulgence.


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