
I'm posting early tonight because tonight is our Ladies Night Out so I probably won't post when I get home. I'm trying to eat lightly because I'd like to enjoy a yummy dinner tonight! Breakfast was my favorite two point option: Fage yogurt with Fiber One Cereal and strawberries.

Lately I've been brewing coffee while I'm eating my breakfast and taking it along with my when I take the kids to school. It takes about an hour round trip to drop them off at two different schools so it's the perfect time to enjoy my coffee.

Afterwards I went to Lisa's to do the chest/back and abs video for P90X. It went pretty smoothly...I think we are doing really well with this program! Lisa had these new baked Wheat Thins so I tried some....mistake. They are soooooo addictive and good! I couldn't stop eating them. I will NOT be buying any for myself!

Next it was off to Costco. My daughter's birthday party is this Saturday and we are having a lot of family over so I needed to get some party food. :) And some more peanut butter pretzels. :)

I came home and had a half a can of Progresso's Light Italian Style Meatball Soup:

It was ok. Just your standard veggie soup with bits of pasta and meat. For 1 point per cup, it will do! I also had a handful of peanut butter pretzels. :) Then it was off to Road Runner Sports to get new running shoes. I've always wanted to go there so I was excited. They had me walk across a sensor to see how my feet hit the ground. I also ran on a treadmill and my foot movement was videotaped. This way they could pick the shoes that fit my feet perfectly. And here they are:

My new Asics. I can't wait to try them out tomorrow!! I bought some new socks too. Mine were from Target and they were starting to get very old and worn out.

I just finished having the other half of my soup with a piece of wheat toast. Sorry no picture. I'm sitting here in hot rollers blogging away, getting excited to hang out with my girls tonight! We are going to the restaurant I went to a couple of nights ago: Dolce Pane E Vino. I'm excited to try some new stuff!


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