Viva Las Vegas

Good Morning from Las Vegas! No scale here so can't report my weight for the day.

Last night's Ladies Night Out was a good time. Got to see some friends, drink some wine and eat some delicious food...what more could you ask for!?!
There were a couple of these:

And a few of these:

A good time was had by all. :) I went home around 8 PM and changed my clothes, grabbed my suitcase and then it was Vegas time!!!
We stopped in Barstow to gas up and I grabbed some coffee. Too late for Starbucks so the gas station had to do. The one we stopped at had a very impressive selection of coffee, creamers, syrups and sweeteners. It was a little overwhelming to tell you the truth. :) I went with a French Vanilla coffee with French vanilla creamer and sugar free vanilla syrup. It was tasty but I think I think I over did the vanilla a bit. Hubby stopped at Del Taco and ate his own weight in tacos and burritos. Was I tempted? A little. I did not eat any of it....yeah me! Instead when we arrived in Vegas I had one of these:
It was quite tasty!! Inside my little bar were peanuts, cashews, cranberries, chocolate chips and almonds blended with organic oats and crispy rice....all for 140 calories. Nice!!
So here I am about to get ready for the day.....there's a Starbucks downstairs so I think I'll be hitting that up very soon...stay tuned. Have a great day!


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