
So, the scale tried very hard to say 140 but I found if I exhaled all my air and wiggled a little it would stay at 139.8.

Last night's sleep was incredible. Passed out at 9PM and woke up at 7AM. Ahhhh......it's amazing what a good night's sleep can do for you!!

Breakfast was a Yoplait light vanilla yogurt with a half cup of fiber one cereal and a half cup of strawberries. I was out of Fage so I had to resort to the Yoplait. Now that I've been eating greek yogurt, the Yoplait tastes waaaaaaaay too sweet. Ick.

Then it was off to cooking class at Great News. The class was on different kinds of chicken and noodle dishes (right up Hubby's alley!). The recipes were sooooo good!! My favorite instructor, Phillis Carey, led the class today. I ate tons of noodles and chicken and two glasses of wine. The dessert we had in class was incredible! She made chocolate crepes and then rolled them up and cut them so they looked like fettuccine. They were piled on a plate and then topped with chocolate sauce and an amaretto whipped cream. OMG.

I went to the grocery store (had to buy Fage) and did some things around the house. I went over to my friend Dina's house (Hi Dina) to drop off a couple of things. Then it was time for a workout. I recruited another friend to come with me and we did a nice 75 minute walk up and down some hills in the neighborhood.

Since I ate my life away in noodle and chicken points, dinner had to be light. I made a Morningstar Farms black bean burger on a sandwich thin with spicy mustard, onions, lettuce and tomato. I made a veggie full salad and topped it with spicy salsa for the dressing. Very filling and only three points for it all!!! I am a points master!!!

So now I'm watching Thomas the Train with the kids and winding down for the evening. Hubby is out of town on business so tonight the bed is all mine and I get to read my book quietly by myself. It's the little things right?


  1. Yeah, how great is it when the offspring is asleep, you have already rubbed your hubby's feet for the evening, and you can lay down quietly with your book?!! In my case, it's the fourth in the TWILIGHT series. Heaven on Earth!

  2. The Twilight books were really good!!!!


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