Vegas Part Two & Emmy Recap!

Good Morning! I'm enjoying a wonderful latte in my hotel room as I type this. The Emmy's were fabulous last night...I wasn't allowed to bring in a camera but I got a couple of shots on my phone.

The view from our seats:

The dress:

The happy couple:

A good time was had by all! We went afterwards to The Palm for dinner. No camera but I split a tomato mozzarella salad with the hubby and had Blackened Ahi Tuna with a side a cream spinach for dinner. It was all accompanied by a nice glass of Pino Grigio.
Back to the weigh-in Vegas:
The fighters (Floyd Mayweather and Juan Manuel Marquez):
After the weigh-in, we gambled a little and then got ready for The Jersey Boys show. What a fabulous show....I highly recommend it!!!
The outfit:
Afterwards, we went to the Okada Japanese Steakhouse for dinner. We had dinner at the Tapanyaki table (where they cook the food in front of you). I felt funny whipping out a camera to take pictures of my food in front of entire table of strangers so no pics. Dinner started with the typical ginger dressing salad, followed by a scallop appetizer (I got Dave's....he doesn't like anything that came out of the ocean). I ordered the sea bass for dinner and it was melt-in-your-mouth delicious. I had a glass of chardonnay to complete the meal. :) Dessert was a strange panna cotta type thing with pineapple. One bite and that was that.
I guess I need to get my lazy bum up and start getting ready for the day (it's almost 11AM!). The hubby wants to eat at this Mexican shack for lunch (we used to eat here when we went to college...USC....all the time!) Stay tuned for the rest of the Vegas report. Bye!
