
Ah....the Weight Watcher "weigh in" day. So silly because I weigh myself everyday but this is the day that counts for WW. At least it was a good one!

Breakfast was a light multi grain English muffin with a tablespoon Almond Butter (I wanted to eat about 6 tablespoons but I refrained) and a half cup of strawberries. I love strawberries. The ones I bought at Costco are so good!

I went to my Step and Sculpt class and got a great workout in!!!! I was exhausted by the end. I love that feeling!! TIP: if you don't have one already, I suggest buying a heart rate monitor. I have a Polar one and it's great to see if you are working hard enough (especially in cardio classes) or if you are in your target heart rate zone.

Hubby had the day off so we decided to make a "date" out of it. We went to La Jolla for lunch. We were going to eat at George's but the wait was too long and I was starving! So we went to Pasquale on Prospect. I ordered the Pasta E Fasull soup for an appetizer. It was a tomato based soup with little tube shaped pasta and beans in it. It was ok...I ate 3/4 of it because I was so hungry but I wasn't a huge fan. I also had a small piece of bread with balsamic vinegar while waiting for my soup. For my entree I had the Insalata Esotica without hearts of palm (don't like these for whatever reason). It had arugula, fresh mozzarella, avocado, Parmesan and a balsamic vinaigrette. I forgot to ask for the dressing on the side but it wasn't too overly dressed fortunately.
We walked around La Jolla and ended up getting some frozen yogurt. Mine was a half tart, half blackberry with fresh blackberries on top. Mmmmmm

We had to pick up Hubby's car after it got new tires and brakes so we took the kids to Red Robin next door. I had the Fajita Fiesta Pollo Salad with no cheese and no tortilla strips and the dressing on the side. It is possible I had a few of the kids fries and a couple bites of their ice cream. :)

I keep meaning to start taking pictures of my meals at restaurants but I keep forgetting. I promise there will be pics soon!

Over and out.
